Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Review: Chronicles of Rapina

Initial voters on the new poll mostly want short stories, and after that, reviews of adult books.  So I am going to use my free week to write a short story which should be up by Friday, but hopefully sooner.  It won't be set in the world of orc dominion however.  It will probably be generic, but I may tie it into the world of Lyssara's Adventures.

Anyway, in the meantime, here is a review of the Chronicles of Rapina, a free story which can be found here.

The Chronicles of Rapina follow the adventures of Rapina, a young woman from a small town run by a religious zealot.  This zealot is a secret pervert, because of course he is, and captures Rapina with the intent of doing wicked things to her until she repents her sins.

Unfortunately for him, Rapina has a magic amulet inhabited by a lust spirit, who gives her sexual magic.  After escaping, Rapina goes on a series of adventures, using her sex magic to grow ever stronger and more powerful.

Rapina is an interesting series in that the main character reinvents herself several times.  She is a pirate, a necromancer, a slave, a schoolgirl, a priest...it keeps changing, allowing the plot to remain fresh.  The changes flow very naturally when you're reading the story, but when you step back you can see the narrative is split up into distinct sections.

The series is very lot centric, like my stories are, with sex added in for flavor.  It is probably more similar to Rebellion than Zentara.  There is plenty of action, adventure, and a healthy dose of sex.  The sex itself runs a gamut from fairly vanilla to more kinky.  It starts out on the softer side, and gets progressively harder as Rapina gets more in touch with her sexual mojo.

The major downside is that the pace of the story has fallen to a standstill.  The series isn't completed yet, and the author manages about one chapter a year.  That isn't hyperbole; the author really only writes one chapter a year.  The most recent ones haven't even been all that long, either.  Hopefully it gets finished one day.  If I were the author, I would definitely start steering it that way since it seems the writer's interest is fading.

That's not too surprising, considering that the story has been going on for over a decade which is a pretty impressive feat.  All that being said, I would still recommend checking it out.  The reinventions give you a sense of completion and closure for each section of the story, so you won't be left too disappointed at having to wait for the next chapter.

So check it out if you get a chance.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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