Monday, June 6, 2016

Orc Culture

Most of orc society is based on the fact that men outnumber women 20-1.  Getting access to women is the premiere mark of wealth and power in orc society.

Orcs in the Angrian March are generally nomadic.  Tribes are broken down between warriors and herders, but despite what we may think, warriors aren't actually ranked higher than the herders.  People that own the sheep and cattle are considered affluent, and by controlling those resources they have better access to orc women.  They employ warriors to protect their flocks and women in exchange for copulation rights.  The patriarch who owns the flock will normally pass it onto a favored son, not the firstborn.  Because male children are so plentiful, the first isn't more regarded than the rest; whomever is strongest or smartest is the one who inherits.

Warriors have to rely on raiding other tribes or the human lands to kidnap women, or else rent out their services to a herder or a merchant.  Because warriors are in such abundance, they are often used as fodder in battle.  One of the reasons for the constant warfare in orcish society is to cull the population of excess males.  It is fortunate for the Western Kingdoms that Queen Jeanette made the alliance with Chief Turogg, for if she hadn’t the orc alliance Chief Turogg built would have had no choice but to launch a massive invasion of the Western Kingdoms!

Merchants live outside of normal orc society.  They tend to either run caravans from the Western Kingdoms to the Eastern Kingdoms, or else they live in and operate the trade posts that the caravans stop at along the journey.  There is also a major trade post called Drakoth on the shore to the east of Zentara that a lot of Zentaran merchants go to, since it is faster and safer to travel part of the way by sea.

Merchants aren't really a caste, but rather they are clever orcs who don't have access to a herd, but don't want to be cannon fodder as warriors either.  Sometimes they rent themselves out as guards for caravans, and invest their pay to get started.  Other times they inherit from a merchant father, much the way that the herders do.

Women have a special place in orc society.  Because they are so few, and so valuable, they are kept close to home.  They don't tend to flocks, as that would put them too far afield, nor do they hunt or gather.  They spend most of their time cooking, making clothes, and fucking.  Because women are so few in number orc society has a very liberal, almost polyamorous view of women.  The patriarch will keep breeding rights for himself, but is more than willing to offer up his women's backsides and mouths to his male followers.

But other than being open to the community, women are treated very softly by orc men.  They are simply too valuable to beat or treat roughly.  There are exceptions to this rule, usually applied to human women that have been taken captive.  They often have a difficult time adapting to pleasing multiple orcs, and often try to escape.  It is not uncommon for captives to be beaten into submission to prevent rebellion and escape.  As such, most women who are captured by orcs rarely survive for more than a few years before their bodies break under the strain of childbirth and continuous penetration from the much larger orc members.


Vital Stats:

Elf men average 5' tall, humans 6', and orcs 7'.  I generally follow a 33% rule, that is humans have about 33% more mass than elfs, and orcs have about 33% more mass than humans.

Orcs do have hair, but many chose to shave it off to prevent it being grabbed in battle.  They have prominent jaws, two tusks, pointed ears, and upturned noses.  Cocks are generally around 8" long and over 6" in circumference.

Orcs are predominantly grey, but there are a number of green-skinned orcs.  Green-skinned orcs are similar to albinos among humans.  Out of approximately 500,000 orcs, roughly 15,000 have green skin.

Orc pregnancies are a shorter than human ones, lasting around 6 months.  Pregnancies with human women are longer, but not as long as with two orcs.  There haven't been any recorded cases of pregnancy between elfs and humans, though it is generally considered to be possible, though a burden on the smaller framed mother.

Half-orc children have less pronounced features than full blooded orcs.  Their tusks are smaller, and while they are bigger than human children, they are not as big as full blooded orc children.  This changes with the onset of puberty, when half-orcs undergo The Change.  This results in the assertion of their orc genes, and they take upon full blooded features.  It is generally not possible to tell the difference between an adult full blooded orc and a half-blooded orc.


  1. Thanks for this background information. So children of orcs and humans can never look like humans? Or is there a little chance? I would also like to know how large the population in the western kingdoms is? And how is it distributed among orcs, humans and elfs? Are there other races like dwarfs or gnomes?

    1. The children of orcs and humans never look like humans (except after several generations, which will be a plot point on the second series if I ever get to it).

      The population as of Orc Dominion: Zentara breaks down like this:

      Orcs: 500,000
      Zentara: 1,000,000
      Heste: 2,000,000
      Thesta: 1,500,000
      Sandora: 1,500,000
      Elfish Isles: 500,000
      Catabrian Tribes: 500,000

      There are no other races like dwarves or gnomes in the Western Kingdoms. There is a southern continent, as yet undiscovered by the Western Kingdoms, where there is a race called the Mincentti as well as Minotaurs and Centaurs. All that will be explained in the fourth book, Orc Dominion: Triumph.

    2. The Orcs seem to breed rapidly, any details how the population has changed at the time of Triumph?

  2. I am interested to hear more about orc culture, such as coming-of-age for males and females. Weddings, bedding the bride. Not to mention minotaurs. Heh heh heh.

    1. I may do a post on the Mincentti, Minotaurs, and Centaurs sometime in the future to get people ready for Triumph. There aren't really weddings in orc culture, though there are celebrations for pregnancies.

  3. It's a very cool, informative background, thank you.

    I was wondering, based on your writings, how they looked compared to other Orcs, and I was thinking they must be somewhere the Warcraft Orcs or the
    Warhammer Orcs. What do you say?

    1. I'll add a picture of how I generally picture them, though I tend to like to leave such things as open to the imagination as possible so as not to intrude on how other people see them.
