Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Adventures of Captain Susan Lochley

So here it is, the first alpha/beta release of my Twine game, The Adventures of Captain Susan Lochley!  The game is a text based interactive erotic novel falling the Captain Susan Lochley as she gets infected with nanites that hyper-sexualize her behavior.

My plan is to go deep and then wide, by which I mean I want to get the skeleton of the game down from day 1-5 plus the endings, before adding more features in the middle of the game to plump it out.  Right now days 1 and 2 are complete, although nothing so far has been that edited.  So please report anything you see that doesn't work.

You may see a dead link at the bottom of the page early day 2, but that is working as intended.  It is there to let you know that a story branch does exist, but one of your earlier choices closed it off.

Right now the game is planned to have 4 main ends (3 bad, 1 good) as well as at least 2 bad ends in the middle.  No ends have been implemented into the game yet.

Once day 5 and the ends are finished I'm going to go back and add in pictures as well as additional choices and working more flavor text based on those choices.

Also, please note that this is the first time I've worked in Twine and I'm learning as I go.  If you know any tips or tricks that will help, please tell me!

But on that note, Twine is very easy to use so if you've ever thought about making a Twine game, give it a shot.  There is not much learning curve at all.

You can find the game here:

The Adventures of Captain Susan Lochley



  1. *Assumes evil voice*



  2. Very hot and good work so far. Quite a few spelling mistakes I notice(granted this is first draft and I should not be talking about mistakes). Otherwise keep up the work.

  3. Emmakendrick here. These stories are superb and I look forward to seeing the "bad" endings.
