Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Elfin Descent Done!

Orc Dominion: Elfin Descent is officially finished!  Thank goodness it is all done.  I am not going to lie, I was starting to phone it in a little at the end.  Hopefully I will be reinvigorated to work on some other projects now that I am passed that!

I submitted the chapter today, and it would usually be posted on Thursday.  But due to the holiday, I'm not sure when it will go up so keep your eyes peeled.

I hope to write the Afterward tomorrow, and get that submitted as well.  I do have a lot of thoughts to collect though so might actually be next week by the time it gets posted.

Thank you everyone who has stuck with the story so long, and to everyone who provided feedback, both positive and negative, as well as encouragement and assistance.  Hopefully this week I will be a little more active on the blog, with maybe some captions, a short story, and an official announcement of the Twine game I am writing being made.  Hey, you have to aim high!


  1. Let us all rejoice, for we shall soon be be at the end. And to the coming battle, may my cock rise, and my glass raise ever higher. :P

    So says I, I who does not lie, for this story which does incite, and which raises me to such heights, That I eternally fear of being blinded!

  2. Just submitted the afterward, so that should be up this week as well.

  3. I really hope Trogar gets what he has dreamed of since he was fourteen.

  4. I sort of feel that towards the end of the series, you sort of finished it as an obligation rather than out of enjoyment. Am I right at all?

    1. Yes, a little bit. I'm not entirely sure why that is...it is a combination of more criticism to the story, the lack of an exciting climax, but also being really busy in my personal life that slowed down my writinf and made me feel rushed to get the last chapters out on schedule.
