Thursday, October 6, 2016

Game: Jeanette's Blanket

Tegli, one of my longtime readers, has made a Twine game set in the alternate ending of Orc Dominion: Zentara Ch 12b.  It is a prelude to a continuation of that storyline that he is writing.  It's short, but it's a fun, easy read.  It's more of an interactive novel than a game, but there are a few endings.  Enjoy!

Jeanette's Blanket


  1. -It is a prelude to a continuation of that storyline that he is writing.-

    There's going to be a continuation of that storyline?

    Well, I'm interested regardless.

    I'll let you know what I think of his/her game when I give this a try out.

  2. After a few minutes of figuring out how to get it to work, I finally got around to a quick read-through.

    It doesn't seem to be as long as I thought it would be, but it's pretty good from what I glanced over. A little too-much bestiality for my tastes, but hey everybody has their kinks. Of course, I find it very strange getting a hard-on when Jeannette took a piss on her clothing... but hey, what can I say? ;P

    There are grammatical errors, but those are mostly minor, and the author already alluded to that in the first story-bit-thingy.

    Also, Non-issue, If you can make an edit to your post, it might be a good idea to give a link to Twine, so that people know where and how to use it and what program to run et cetera.

    Seeing Tegli's work and Twine for the first time has inspired me quite a lot. I think I could change the Andarrion short story that I have been working on and branch it out differently so that people can make a different decision for his choices. Choice 1: sacrifice victim A for evil goddess, Choice 2: Whip victim, Choice 3: Give crazy rant... shit like that. I could have it down to a pick/select thing, people get what they want, and that is something that I like.

    1. Did you have to download Twine? To be honest it has been so long I just assumed you could download the html and run it from your browser with no issues.

    2. You're right... Confirming this on main computer that you don't need twine.

      Of course, It had to be my retarded laptop that wouldn't read HTML files! :(
