Saturday, May 21, 2016

Elfin Descent Ch 10 and Queen's Castle

I finished Chapter 10 of Elfin Descent yesterday!  Unfortunately I'm not completely satisfied with the end.  I was really excited to have Jeanette giving out 'favors' at the joust, but in the end that became a backdrop for what Lyriena and Trogar were doing.  Which is how it should be, I suppose, since they are the main characters.  Nonetheless, I just couldn't get the Jeanette stuff onto the page like I wanted.  I might flesh (heh) that out into a Jeanette MILF story in the future.

Also, as a quick update, I decided to split Chapter 11 into two, so now Elfin Descent is back to being 17 chapters.  I think it is going to work out much better stylistically this way, since it extends a certain plot point.

Speaking of which, now that Chapter 10 is done I can spend next week working on the first Queen's Castle story, The Queen's Party.  Jeanette is celebrating her birthday, and in order to encourage her court to give her birthday spankings, she blindfolds herself so that no one can be punished later.  Little does she know that Agmar has snuck into the party....

I've got a few other ideas for Queen's Castle stories which will show up in the future.

1.  The Queen's Men.  Jeanette inducts new members into her personal guard.
2.  The Queen's Promise.  On the eve of battle, Jeanette makes Grotok's stallion a promise if he brings her son back safe.
3.  The Queen's Prisoner.  What happened to Garrett Ousten, the once King of Heste?  Jeanette has need of her prisoner.  This one will likely be a tie-in to Orc Dominion: Triumph which is the last book in the Orc Dominion series.

If you've got any other ideas for stories you want to see, (and I'm sorry if you've said them on other comment pages and I forgot them.  Say them here and remind me!) please let me know and I will consider them!  Also, if you have a preference as to which of those stories you want to see first, let me know!


  1. My preference is a Jeanette story or even two. We have not seen her in action as a MILF yet. I think it is high time.

    1. Jeanette and a stallion...shades of Catherine the Great?

    2. Well, that is probably a myth...but either way, yeah something like that! With possible followup play involving Agmar's war dogs. I need another scene to flesh out the story.

    3. Perhaps Agmar discovers her experimenting with the stallion and forces his dogs of war on her and she discovers new pleasures in the kennels below the castle.

  2. Any chance of becoming one of your proofreaders? I also have a few ideas on direction. Minotaurs and princesses have been one of my long-term fetishes.

    1. Sure, send an email to Minotaurs will be featured in the next book, Trimuph :)

  3. Emmakendrick here.

    Number 1 for sure, but also the dog stories sound interesting as well.
