Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Writing Update

I've been hard at work, and have made pretty good inroads into the first two chapters of Orc Dominion: Triumph.  I am still pretty excited about the project, which helps keep the creative juices flowing.

I finished an additional end for Captain Lochley and started another.  I had hoped to have an update this Friday, but now I am not so sure.  The issue is that adding more endings will require me to complete the scoring system from the choices you make, and since the choices aren't complete yet I don't want to build a scoring system that I will have to change later.

I haven't really been working on any other projects except for the Bestial Breed RP, which is still going strong.  The alternate end for Orc Dominion: Rebellion is on hold since the next chapter is full length, and I don't really want to devote the time to it when I could be working on Lochley or Triumph.

The third Lyssara story is getting so close to completion that I will probably try to finish it off after the next Lochley update, whenever that is.  It hopefully only needs a strong week of writing to finish.  So here is hoping we see that soon!

Also, Slayer: Apocalypse has started, and Ch 1 is free!  Download it here. 


  1. Thank you, keep up!

  2. I totally thought there was gonna be a third option where the three dog people decided to both disable fertility blocker AND make a film out of it if I said I'm not choosing between the two =P

    1. Heh, maybe I'll add that in for people who are corrupt enough by that choice.

  3. Nice to see this speed, keep it up dude!
    Really want to see the Rebellion alt. end, but Captain Lochley first!
