Thursday, November 24, 2016

Reviews: VIP Captions

Not really a review, but I wanted to share another blog that has some good comics, VIPCaptions. VIPCaptions is very focused on gender transformations, but he's also doing a comic version of Fenoxo's Corruption of Champions. For those not familiar with Corruption of Champions, it's a text based game where you play as an adventurer exploring a world where everything transforms you and everyone is down to fuck. There are a lot of monsterish transformations, pregnancies, sexual encounters, treasure and lots of good stuff. I recommend it! VIPCaptions comic is a pretty faithful adaptation, so if you like the game definitely check it out!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Elfin Descent Done!

Orc Dominion: Elfin Descent is officially finished!  Thank goodness it is all done.  I am not going to lie, I was starting to phone it in a little at the end.  Hopefully I will be reinvigorated to work on some other projects now that I am passed that!

I submitted the chapter today, and it would usually be posted on Thursday.  But due to the holiday, I'm not sure when it will go up so keep your eyes peeled.

I hope to write the Afterward tomorrow, and get that submitted as well.  I do have a lot of thoughts to collect though so might actually be next week by the time it gets posted.

Thank you everyone who has stuck with the story so long, and to everyone who provided feedback, both positive and negative, as well as encouragement and assistance.  Hopefully this week I will be a little more active on the blog, with maybe some captions, a short story, and an official announcement of the Twine game I am writing being made.  Hey, you have to aim high!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Elfin Descent Finale Preview

I am still slogging my way through the finale, but that fact that I am slogging means that it will probably be a little shorter than it should be.  We'll see.  I hope to get it finished this week, I just have 3 pages or so left to go.

I've been really busy lately, which hasn't helped.  It may get a little better this week, but there is another big project that is sort of on call, and if it gets approved then this week will probably be out too.  We'll just have to see!

Once Elfin Descent is done though, I hope to get back on top of this blog.  I've got captions to do, ad maybe some more short stories.  I'll also be introducing the game I've been working on!  I hope you enjoy it, even if it will be a sci-fi game and not fantasy.  Anyway, here is a page from the finale!


The reception was all a blur; she was too distracted with dread of the upcoming bedding ceremony.  The tradition was an old one and in retrospect a little odd.  Even the Zentarans didn’t watch newlywed couples together on their wedding night.  But with modesty and chastity being so important to elfs, the public declaration of the bride’s virtue was essential.  Even still, the tradition usually called for the families to be waiting outside of a curtained bed for the groom to make his determination.

But this wasn’t your typical situation.  Lyriena wasn’t a virgin, and everyone knew it.  In cases like hers, where the woman was marrying the man who deflowered her, the bedding ceremony was usually quietly forgotten.  However, in some circumstances the ceremony remained.  This was especially true for marriages that sealed alliances or other agreements.  Both sides would want there to be witnesses that the marriage was completed and consummated so one side could not back out later.

So Lyriena had to put up with the shame of half the court witnessing Trogar penetrating her on her wedding night.  Normally it was the bride’s family that insisted, since it was usually the husband that would reject an impure bride.  She suspected it was Trogar insisting though.  Not only would it ensure that she couldn’t wiggle out of the marriage later, but it would be a delicious humiliation for her.

The worst part is that some part of her wanted it.  She came hard the other day when imagining it.  But now that it was to be a reality, her stomach was in knots.  Lyriena quickly downed a goblet of wine to steady her nerves.

“Let’s get the happy couple upstairs!”

“I heard it’s going to be an open curtain bedding!”

“I’ve been waiting to see the princess bedded for years!”

Lyriena couldn’t see which of her courtiers were so eager to see her naked body.  Were they people she had known, maybe for years?  Perhaps elfs weren’t so different from men after all.  Perhaps elfin women had to protect their modesty so dearly since elfin men were just as lecherous as humans and orcs.

If anything could dissuade her from the line of thinking it was the look on Datoran’s face.  Despite having humiliated her earlier, he seemed far from detached from the procedure.  His face was drawn tight and tense.  She couldn’t tell if he was angry or ashamed.  He was right, she realized.  Her whole wedding was one giant passive reminder that he had been cuckolded by an orc; an orc he would henceforth have to kneel to.

“Let us get this over with.”  Her father muttered.

A sea of hands swept over her, touching her thighs and back and arms as she was lifted up and carried to her chambers.  Bolder hands stroked her bottom and breasts, and boldest of all was Soleil, who began undressing her before they even left the dining hall.

Lyriena flushed hotly as she felt her small breasts spill free from the tight confines of the corseted dress.  Rough fingers pinched her pierced nipples, and the tiny rings were twisted, making her gasp out loud.